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拍场再遇拐点2011年的秋拍,随着保利、嘉德、翰海、匡时等国内的老牌拍卖行纷纷收关而接近尾声。尽管此次秋拍也有一些天价拍品的出现,各大拍卖行业也都取得了差强人意的成绩,但是此次秋拍却未延续春拍的火热之势,也并未持续往常的拍场惯例:国内秋拍往往好于春拍成绩。保利秋拍虽然以49.2亿元的总成交额再次占据国内头名,但是和春拍的61.3亿元相比还有明显差距;2011年春拍中国嘉德单季成交额为53.3亿元,但是秋拍总成交额却仅为38.6亿元,直线下降24%;北京翰海秋拍总成变额为21.24亿元,也低于春拍24.58亿元的总成交额。虽然结果并非各大拍卖行所期望,但是由于宏观经济的不景气,持续紧缩货币政策增加了流动性资金压力,给之前陆续准备进入艺术市场的投资型资金带来来压力,使整个艺术市场处于观望的态势。另外,由于此次秋拍很多藏家对于拍品的预期过高,拍前估价高出了接手藏家的承受范围,也让很多拍品陷入流拍的尴尬境遇。 Shooting range again turning point 2011 autumn auction, with Poly, Guardian, John, Marina and other domestic veteran auction houses have come to an end. Although there are some expensive auction autumn auction, the major auction industry have also achieved unsatisfactory results, but the autumn auction did not continue the hot spring auction trend, but also does not continue the usual practice: domestic Autumn auction is often better than spring auction results. Poly Autumn Auction Although the total turnover of 4.92 billion yuan once again occupy the top spot in the country, but compared with 61.3 billion spring auction there is a clear gap compared with the spring of 2011 China Guardian single-season turnover of 5.33 billion yuan, but the autumn auction The total turnover was only 3.86 billion yuan, a straight line down 24%; Beijing Hanhai Qiujian assembly variable amount of 21.24 billion yuan, also lower than the Spring Auction 2.458 billion yuan of total turnover. Although the result was not what the major auction houses expected, the continuing tightening of monetary policy has increased the liquidity pressure due to the sluggish macroeconomic conditions and brought pressure on the investment funds that have been prepared to enter the art market one after another, bringing the entire art market under Wait and see situation. In addition, due to the autumn auction many collectors expected too high for the auction, the pre-auction valuation is higher than the receiver to take over the range, but also for many lottery caught in the embarrassing situation.
从外国来到新西兰定居的医生由于取不到从医的注册证明,很难如愿从医,大部分遭遇失业的噩运。 新西兰联盟党日前公布它在今年5月所作的一项调查结果显示,112个在国外受训的
《一只牛的异想世界》New World刘德华今年“牛”对刘德华别具意义,两年未发普通话专辑的刘德华,今年推出他的全新普通话专辑《一只牛的异想世界》。新专辑之所以酝酿许久,是
(5一l;一}2.67-2 4 3.i}5-- }1一ls.陌一12一463 4 5 6 53·讲台上的老师,灯光里的老师,35 了~、 234 5 42-祥的面容,眠的身影, 厂、3 451课,落,授月疑走答送慈不2.几梳4一之
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