Chinese Lawyers Active in Protecting Children's Rights

来源 :Human Rights | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingjietianjiao
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Chinese lawyers have beenplaying a positive role in pro-tecting children’s rights, andthis has been true especiallysince the Convention on theRights of the Child became effective inChina on April 2, 1992. As an importanpart of the nationwide effort in thi Chinese lawyers have beenplaying a positive role in pro-tecting children’s rights, and has has been especiallysince the the on theRights of the Child became effective inChina on April 2, 1992. As an importanpart of the nationwide effort in thi
海水是咸的,其原因是海水中含有各种盐分,平均每1000克海水中含35克盐。有人估计,如果把海水中所有的盐分都提取出来,铺在陆地上,可形成153米厚的盐层;如果铺在我国的国土上,可使我国平均高出海平面2400米左右。  海洋刚形成时,海水和江河湖水一样,是淡的。后来,雨水不断地冲刷岩石和土壤,并把岩石和土壤中的盐类物质冲入江河,而江河的水流到大海,使得海洋中的盐分不断增加。与此同时,海洋水分不断蒸发