在长达近三个小时的历史传记片《孙中山》中,拨人心弦的精彩场面不少,而给我印象最深的莫过于是影片的开场与结尾。 一团冲天大火在银幕上熊熊燃起。固定的拍摄角度将孙中山背身停立的近景镜头稳稳地持续了六、七秒钟。此间,浑然交响的呐喊声,兵戈铿锵的撞击声以及火烧椽梁的迸裂声不绝于耳。紧接着,当摄影机平推出孙中山缓缓转身面向观众的大特写时,悲壮雄浑的音乐又骤然响起。声画结合,使全片一开场就激情荡漾、动人心扉。 这组镜头的成功,关键在于导演充分、有效地调动了电影的多种表现手段。首先从画面上讲,处于背景的充满银幕的那团大火象征了两千年来黑暗专制统治下的人民终于不可阻止地从社会的最底层爆发了武
In the nearly three-hour historical biography “Sun Yat-sen”, many exciting scenes of people, and impressed me most is the opening and closing of the film. A sky of fire lit on the screen. Fixed shooting angle Sun Yat-sen backstop close-up shot steadily lasted six or seven seconds. Here, the loud symphony of the cries, Bingge sonorous percussion and rafters burst into tears. Then, when the video camera launched Sun Yat-sen slowly turned to the audience for the close-up, the tragic and powerful music suddenly sounded. Combination of sound and painting, so that the opening of a passionate passionate movie, moving heart. The success of this set of shots, the key is that the director fully and effectively mobilized a variety of movie performance tools. First of all, from a picture perspective, the flood of screen-filled fireworks in the background symbolizes that two thousand years of people under the tyranny of the dark have finally and inevitably emerged from the bottom of society