Resonance Rayleigh scattering spectral characteristics of interaction of nucleic acids with some cat

来源 :Science in China(Series B,Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigboss555
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In near neutral medium, the resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS) intensities of an alone cationic surfactant and nucleic acid are very weak. However, when they combine with each other to form a complex, the RRS intensity of the solution is enhanced greatly. In this paper the reactions of five cationic surfactants with nucleic acids have been studied. The results show that the reaction conditions and RRS spectral characteristics of these reactions are similar, but their sensitivities are obviously different. Among them, the sensitivity of cetyldimethyl benzylammonium chloride (CDBAC) with an aryl and large molecular weight is the highest, while that of cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) without aryl and with small molecular weight is the lowest. The detection limits for ctDNA and yRNA of the former are 6.6 and 29.4 ng · mL-1, while that of the latter are 13.3 and 53.6 ng · mL-1. The method has better selectivity and can be applied to the determination of trace amounts of nucleic acids. Furthermore, i In near neutral medium, the resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS) intensities of an alone cationic surfactant and nucleic acid are very weak. However, when they combine with each other to form a complex, the RRS intensity of the solution is significantly greatly enhanced. In this paper the reactions of five cationic surfactants with nucleic acids have been studied. The results show that the reaction conditions and RRS spectral characteristics of these reactions are similar, but their sensitivities are distinct different. Among them, the sensitivity of cetyldimethyl benzylammonium chloride (CDBAC) with the aryl and large molecular weight is the highest, while that of cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) without aryl and with small molecular weight is the lowest. The detection limits for ctDNA and yRNA of the former are 6.6 and 29.4 ng · mL- 1 while that of the latter are 13.3 and 53.6 ng · mL-1. The method has better selectivity and can be applied to the determination of trace amounts of nucleic ac ids. furthermore, i
急性支气管炎患儿 80例均经儿科确诊 ,随机分为脉冲超短波治疗观察组 ,连续超短波对照组。观察组男 2 1例 ,女 19例 ;年龄 1个月~ 1岁 17例 ,~3岁 17例 ,~ 6岁 4例 ,~ 12岁 2例 ;
谢晋导演一直是共和国成立后的电影代表人物之一,谢晋的电影代表了一个时代。  九十年代,春节刚过,春寒料峭的一日,得知著名导演谢晋来我故乡周庄拍摄电视《鸳鸯错配钱秀才》的消息,让我欣喜若狂。谢导的摄制组与我联系后,我把他们全体摄制人员安排在南湖招待所,由于设施的简单、房屋的简陋,无法为谢导提供舒适的单间,深为遗憾。  一日下午,我刚离开南湖招待所,就在门口巧遇了我心中崇拜的大导演谢晋,我立刻向他自我
此文不是写谢晋,而是写一写谢衍的母亲、谢晋的夫人徐大雯老师。  我们上影人都知道,徐老师虽一直与谢晋同在上影工作,但她硬气得很,从不想也从没沾过丈夫一点光,只是默默地在自己普通的岗位上干好自己普通的工作。她不工作不行,一家八口人单靠谢晋的工资养不活。她工作外又比谁都辛苦,谢晋一部接一部地常年在外拍片,徐老师一个人上要照顾年迈多病的公婆,下要抚养好四个子女,其中还有两个弱智儿,谁都可以想象得到,这个