同志们 :为了加快农业结构调整 ,实现农业增效、农民增收、农机增实力的“三增”目标 ,省局决定在鞍山市千山区召开全省郊区农机化现场暨研讨会 ,目的是探讨在加快农业现代化进程中 ,农机如何找准位置、进入角色、服务大局 ,在我省郊区和经济较发达县乡率先实现农业现代化。下
Comrades: In order to speed up the adjustment of agricultural structure and achieve the goal of “three increases” of agricultural efficiency, peasants’ income increase and strength enhancement of agricultural machinery, the provincial government decided to hold the agricultural mechanization site cum seminar in Qianshan District of Anshan City in order to explore To speed up the process of agricultural modernization, how agricultural machinery to find the right position, enter the role of serving the overall situation, in the suburbs and economically developed counties and towns take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization. under