“计算机文汇”创刊以来虽然时间不长,但它以其独特的风格赢得了广大读者的好评。它的文章理论联系实际、重在实用,篇幅短小精悍、简单明了,栏目众多、信息丰富,形式新颖、趣味性强,特别适宜于广大计算机爱好者阅读。 人类进入21世纪,信息时代即将逐步改变人们的工作及生活方式。信息高速公路的兴起,电子无纸交易的推广,多媒体图文声一体化,办公自动化、计算机控制技术、计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助教学…
Although it has not been long since its publication, Computer Wenhui has won the praise of readers for its unique style. Its article theory relates to the reality, focusing on practicality, short and diligent, simple and clear, numerous columns, informative, novel and interesting, especially suitable for the majority of computer enthusiasts to read. As humanity enters the 21st century, the information age is about to gradually change people’s work and lifestyles. The rise of information superhighway, the promotion of electronic paperless transactions, the integration of multimedia teletext, office automation, computer control technology, computer aided design, computer aided instruction ...