By constructing a two-period dynamic model under imperfectly competitive market conditions, the article analyzes the influence of the exchange rate expectation and the variability of the firm’s marginal cost on the exchange-rate transfer effect, and uses the threshold regression method proposed by Hansen (1999) Exchange rate is expected to pass on the import price of the empirical test. Theoretical analysis shows that the transfer coefficient of exchange rate to import price can be positively or negatively impacted by the elasticity of consumer demand. The appreciation of exchange rate is expected to reduce the import price level. The variability of marginal cost makes the transfer of exchange rate to import price follow the exchange rate and exchange rate The expected change has a threshold effect. The result of empirical analysis shows that the transfer coefficient of RMB exchange rate to import price is negative and the expectation of RMB appreciation leads to the decrease of import price. And when exchange rate and exchange rate expectation change to a certain threshold, the exchange rate will change significantly.