养鱼兴渔凭鱼富 依水靠水走水路

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们村地处铁山水库上游,人平不足五分耕地,自然条件差。近几年来,我们率领群众充分开发水域资源,一举摘掉了贪困帽子。目前,全村已拥有精养水面750亩,年产鲜鱼6万公斤,创产值18万元;人平年出售鲜鱼60公斤,获纯利110元以上。渔业兴带来百业旺。与1984年比较,农业总产值、集体积累农民纯收入分别增长2.1倍、1.31倍。村里不仅减免了群众上交,还利用逐年积累改变了村容村貌,改善了生产环境。回顾过来的工作,我们的体会是: 潜心探索没有叩不开的门 1983年铁山水库蓄水后,我们村大片良田被淹、基础设施被毁,精壮劳力被迁。曾一度公路不通,电灯不亮,电话不响,广播不叫,干部群众思想波动。针对这一情况,我们支部组织干部群众寻求治穷致富之路,并从本村实际出发,开 Tieshan Reservoir is located in the upper reaches of the village, people less than five points of arable land, poor natural conditions. In recent years, we led the masses to fully exploit the resources of the waters and removed the greedy hat in one fell swoop. At present, the village already has 750 acres of intensive water surface, with an annual output of 60,000 kg of fresh fish, a production value of 180,000 yuan; people sell 60 kg of fresh fish a year, net profit of 110 yuan or more. Fisheries Hing brings hundreds of businesses. Compared with 1984, the gross value of agricultural output and the accumulated net income of farmers collectively increased 2.1 times and 1.31 times respectively. The village not only exempted the masses from handing over but also used the year-by-year accumulation to change the village appearance and improve the production environment. Recalling the work, our experience is: devote themselves to explore the door is not knocking open 1983 Tieshan Reservoir impoundment, our village tracts of farmland flooded, infrastructure was destroyed, and forced labor was relocated. Once the highway barrier, lights do not light, the phone does not ring, radio is not called, cadres and the masses fluctuate. In response to this situation, we branch organizations, cadres and the masses seek the road to rule of poverty, and from the reality of the village, open
多发性骨软骨瘤瘤体较大,属常染色体显性遗传,常引起骨骼发育异常,造成肢体畸形,故称为遗传性畸形性软骨发育异常症(multiple cartilagenous exostosis)又名多发性软骨发育异常