当前,中学英语教学中一个不容忽视而又亟待解决的问题就是书写不规范、不整洁,字体左歪右斜,大小不分,难以辨认。据有的学校统计,英语书写合格律仅在三分之一左右。 这种现象的产生并非偶然。首先它与近些年来对书写教学重视不够直接相关。在“应试教育”思想的指导下,许多英语教师在教学中把全部精力都放在知识的传授上,根本不在书写这种费力耗时的技能训练上下功夫。尽管国家颂布的几个中学英语教学大纲中都有明确的书写要求,但这种写在大纲里的要求,并不能引起教师的足够重视。其次,近几年来由于义务教育的普及,中学英语教师需求量大,不少教师没受过严格的正规训练就上岗,造成教师自身素质下降。许多教师自己的书写就不过关,当然,他们就很难指导学生书写
At present, one of the problems that can not be ignored and urgently solved in English teaching in secondary schools is that the writing is not standardized, untidy, and the font is left-skewed and right-skewed in size and indistinguishable. According to some school statistics, only about one-third of the English-language writing and passing laws are passed. This phenomenon is not accidental. First, it is directly related to the lack of emphasis on writing teaching in recent years. Under the guidance of “examination-oriented education”, many English teachers devote their full attention to imparting knowledge in teaching and do not work hard at writing such labor-intensive skills training at all. Although there are explicit writing requirements in several English syllabus syllabus promulgated by the country, the requirements written in the syllabus can not arouse sufficient attention from the teachers. Second, due to the popularization of compulsory education in recent years, there is a great demand for secondary school English teachers. Many teachers are employed without strict formal training, resulting in a decrease in the quality of teachers themselves. Many teachers do not care about their own writing, of course, it is difficult for them to guide students to write