Comparative Study on Rain Splash Erosion of Representative Soils in China

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyzlw21
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As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to ana-lyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were col-lected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2mm/min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20min, respectively. Rain splash and soil crust development were analyzed. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corre-sponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic mat-ter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively lower splash erosion amount be-cause it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the sta-bility is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. Splash rate which fluctuates over time is observed because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition, there are two locations of soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface. The first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to ana-lyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were col-lected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2 mm / min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20 min, respectively. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corre-sponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic mat-ter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Because Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively low splash erosion amount be-cause it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the sta-bility is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition two there is soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface.
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