新生儿尿路感染表现极不典型,且常与其它疾病伴发,容易漏诊。现将我院近几年来收治新生儿尿路感染46例报告如下。 一、临床资料 1.诊断标准①尿常规高倍镜白细胞>5个/Hp离心尿);②尿菌落计数≥105/mL;③尿培养阳性病原菌;④相应的临床表现。 2.一般资料①胎龄:足月儿27例,早产儿19例。男22,女24;②日龄:<7天6例,8~14天,16例,15~28天,24例。③喂养方法:全母乳喂养18例,混合及人工喂养28例。④入院诊断:尿路感染1例,败血症19例,肺炎11例,黄疸待查8例,肠道感染4例,惊厥待查2例,脐炎2例。⑤出院诊断:单纯尿路感染20例,其它疾病伴尿路感染26例(败血症13例,肺炎9例,肠道感染2例,上呼吸道感染2例)。
Urinary tract infection in neonatal performance is extremely typical, and often associated with other diseases, easy to missed diagnosis. Now in our hospital admitted to urinary tract infection in 46 cases of neonatal reports are as follows. First, the clinical data 1. Diagnostic criteria ① urinary high magnification white blood cells> 5 / Hp centrifugal urine); ② urine colony count ≥ 105 / mL; ③ urinary culture positive pathogens; ④ The corresponding clinical manifestations. 2. General information ① gestational age: 27 cases of full-term children, 19 cases of premature children. Male 22, female 24; ② age: <7 days in 6 cases, 8 to 14 days, 16 cases, 15 to 28 days, 24 cases. ③ feeding methods: full breastfeeding in 18 cases, mixed and artificial feeding in 28 cases. ④ admission diagnosis: urinary tract infection in 1 case, 19 cases of sepsis, pneumonia in 11 cases, jaundice in 8 cases, 4 cases of intestinal infection, 2 cases of convulsions to be investigated, 2 cases of omphalitis. ⑤ discharge diagnosis: simple urinary tract infection in 20 cases, other diseases with urinary tract infection in 26 cases (13 cases of sepsis, pneumonia in 9 cases, 2 cases of intestinal infection, upper respiratory tract infection in 2 cases).