对决美容行业 欧莱雅拿什么超越宝洁?

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除非宝洁全球市场战略发生致命失误,否则,经营战略、品牌管理及广告策略均逊于宝洁的欧莱雅很难在短时间内赶超宝洁。SK-Ⅱ残留物超标的风波使人们空前地将注意力集中到美容产品这个行业,在媒体的炒作下,作为SK-Ⅱ品牌的持有者,宝洁似乎陷入了信任危机,而对于宝洁的老对手欧莱雅,这无疑是一个很好的机会,一些衷爱欧莱雅品牌的热 Unless P & G’s global marketing strategy makes a fatal mistake, L’Oreal, which is less profitable than P & G’s strategy, brand management and advertising strategy, will find it hard to beat Procter & Gamble in a short period of time. SK-Ⅱ excessive levels of the storm so that people are focused on beauty products unprecedented in this industry, speculation in the media, as the SK-Ⅱ brand holders, P & G seems to be caught in a crisis of confidence, and the old P & G Opponent L’Oreal, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity to love some of the loyalty brand L’Oreal hot