1968年12月10日,川端康成站到了瑞典诺贝尔文学奖的领奖台上。他是继印度的泰戈尔之后,又一位荣获此奖的东方文学巨匠。从此,他名扬天下。然而,在这顶桂冠下,人们看到的是一张神秘而又富于感染力的面孔,它无声地向人们诉说着一个涉足于人生僻径的孤独者的经历。孤苦伶仃的少年 1899年6月11日,在大阪市的一家私人医院,一个小生命诞生了。小康成的呱呱坠地给一家人带来了欢乐。七岁的姐姐逗着母亲怀里的小弟弟,行医的父亲想从妻子手里接过孩子,可母亲爱不释手。不到两年,幼小的康成竟失去父母的温暖。尚在咿呀学语的小康成,受到了无妄之灾。祖母和祖父带着三岁的孙子回到老家,在这里康成度过了十三个春秋。
December 10, 1968, Yasunari Kawabata station to the Swedish Nobel Prize for Literature podium. After following Tagore of India, he is another master of oriental literature who won this award. Since then, he is famous all over the world. However, under this crown of pride, people see a mysterious and contagious face, silently telling people about the experiences of a lonely person involved in a secluded life. Lonely teenager On June 11, 1899, a small life was born in a private hospital in Osaka. A well-to-do birth to the family has brought joy. Seven-year-old sister amused his mother’s little brother, practicing father wanted to take the child from his wife, but his mother put it down. In less than two years, the young Kang Cheng actually lost the warmth of his parents. Blessings are still learning, get disaster. Grandmother and grandfather returned home with a three-year-old grandson, where he spent thirteen years.