(本刊讯)江西省赣江今年出现的第二个大洪峰,已于6月26日顺利进入鄱阳湖,取得了防汛斗争的初步胜利。赣江这次洪水,来势很猛,水位很高,新干以下各地都曾一度接近1962年最高洪水位。为了抗击这次洪水,赣江沿岸各地出动了十几万人投入防洪抢险工作。广大防汛大军,在各级党政领导同志率领下, 日夜坚守阵地,英勇奋战,同洪水进行了顽强的搏斗。江西省委和省人委对这次洪水,给予了高度的重视。省委特于6月17日召开了紧急电话会议,部署抗洪抢险战斗; 6月20日,
(Ben Kanxun) The second big flood peak in Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province this year successfully entered Poyang Lake on June 26 and achieved a preliminary victory in the flood control struggle. Ganjiang this flood, the momentum is fierce, the water level is very high, all parts of the sunken dry once close to the highest flood in 1962. In order to combat this flood, hundreds of thousands of people dispatched flood control and rescue work all over the Gan River. Under the leadership of the party and government leaders at all levels, the majority of the flood control troops stood their positions day and night, bravely fought hard and fought a tough fight with the flood. Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People’s Committee gave great attention to this flood. On June 17, the provincial party committee held an emergency conference call to deploy a flood fighting fight; on June 20,