九、锂(Li,音“里”) 锂,至今还没有被列入人体必需微量元素中。 锂广泛存在于地壳中和生物体内。锂被植物吸收,通过饮水和食物链进入动物体。土壤中可溶性的锂很容易被植物所利用,因而植物含锂量就成了土壤含锂量的标志。各种植物对锂的耐受量有很大的差异。以每克干植物中所含锂的微克量来计算,蔷薇科(如月季、玫瑰、桃、杏等)为2.9,茄科(如西红柿、茄子、辣椒等)为1.9,豆科(大豆、豌豆、豇豆等)为1.3,十字花科(白菜、油菜、萝卜等)为0.54;
Nine, lithium (Li, sound “in”) lithium, has not yet been included in the human body essential trace elements. Lithium widely exists in the crust and in the living body. Lithium is absorbed by plants and enters animals through drinking water and the food chain. Soluble lithium in soils is readily available to plants, and thus the amount of lithium in plants becomes a hallmark of the amount of lithium in the soil. A variety of plants on the lithium tolerance are very different. Rose family (rose, rose, peach, apricot, etc.) was 2.9 in terms of micrograms of lithium contained per gram of dry plant, 1.9 for Solanaceae (eg tomato, eggplant, peppers, Pea, cowpea, etc.) is 1.3, cruciferous (cabbage, rape, radish, etc.) is 0.54;