Design and measurement of a piezoresistive ultrasonic sensor based on MEMS

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whhdgcr
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A kind of piezoresistive ultrasonic sensor based on MEMS is proposed,which is composed of a membrane and two side beams.A simplified mathematical model has been established to analyze the mechanical properties of the sensor.On the basis of the theoretical analysis,the structural size and layout location of the piezoresistors are determined by simulation analysis.The boron-implanted piezoresistors located on membrane and side beams form a Wheatstone bridge to detect acoustic signal.The membrane-beam microstructure is fabricated integrally by MEMS manufacturing technology.Finally,this paper presents the experimental characterization of the ultrasonic sensor,validating the theoretical model used and the simulated model.The sensitivity reaches -116.2 dB(0 dB reference = 1 V/μbar,31 kHz),resonant frequency is 39.6 kHz,direction angle is 55°. A kind of piezoresistive ultrasonic sensor based on MEMS is proposed, which is composed of a membrane and two side beams. A simplified mathematical model has been established to analyze the mechanical properties of the sensor. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, the structural size and layout location of the piezoresistors are determined by simulation analysis. boron-implanted piezoresistors located on membrane and side beams form a Wheatstone bridge to detect acoustic signals. the membrane-beam microstructure is fabricated by MEMS manufacturing technology .Finally, this paper presents the experimental characterization of the ultrasonic sensor, validating the theoretical model used and the simulated model. The sensitivity reaches -116.2 dB (0 dB reference = 1 V / μbar, 31 kHz). The resonant frequency is 39.6 kHz and the direction angle is 55 °.
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