A Hero’s Maturation in War

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  【Abstract】Stephen Crane is one of the most famous American writers in late 19th century, and his work of art The Red Badge of Courage is an important masterpiece of naturalism in American literary. With the background of American civil war and the depiction of Henry’s personal experiences and psychological changes durin the war, from inocence to maturation, the author reveals the war’s profound inflence on the charactr’s growth. In this novel, the description of war presents readers a bright war scene. It seems as if the novel is writing about war, in fact, it is exploring the relationship between human and environment, for environment can change a person’s action and mind completely. There is no doubt that The Red Badge of Courage is an excellent novel of war.
  【Key Words】Maturation; Stephen Crane; Red Badge
  When born in this world everyone is innocent, along with time’s enhancement, people’s mind will be changed, for the more they received from the outer world, the more mature they will be. Sometimes, environment can make a person another one, to be better or to be worse. At different times, people’s thoughts are different.
  I.Henry’s innocence as a young man
  1.Henry’s attitude towards the army
  At the beginning of the novel, author introduces to the readers an honest and simple-minded boy who wants to make contributions in the battlefield. When Henry is listening with eager ears to the words of the soldiers, this thought comes into his mind. In his heart there is a strong realization that a true man must be tested by the blood and the fire, which can be found in the war. The mood looking forward to the war is the initial psychology condition of Henry, and innocent thought plants a seed for the performance of Henry in future wars, it is also the beginning of the process from innocence to maturation.
  2.Henry’s momentary military life
  The first few days after joining the 304th regiment, Henry finds that he has nothing to do. Considering himself being separated by others, Henry is sad because of the talk among other soldiers. His sky is blue, the shadows of other soldiers are like huge evils, and all the things are repugnant and boring to him. His attitude to the war has been changed; war is different from what he thought before.
  3.Henry’s dream of a hero
  What makes the youth thirst for the war so strongly, even though he doesn’t know what war is like, of course, is the force to be a hero. In the chaotic times, everyone wants to become a hero respected and admired by others. But hero is not just a word, it means to experience kinds of unimaginable bitterness, and only bitterness is not enough.   Ⅱ.Henry’s maturation as a soldier
  1.Henry’s experience after his first battle
  Escaping from the first battle, Henry enters thick woods and hopes to get a moment’s peace and quietness,Henry finds a little church built with some branches. This is supposed to bring him peace, but a scared corpse even captures his soul, so he flees the woods like a mad man. The dream that looking for from the nature is completely broken into pieces. The death of his good friend deepens the uneasy conscience of Henry, so he makes a decision the he should return the army, washing his shame by his actual action.
  By accident Henry gets a red badge in his head. Facing the praise of his battle-companions, he feels his vanity is satisfied but the inner heart can’t be clam any more. He is hurt by the conscience and justice, telling himself to beat the fear in his heart. In the following wars, Henry nearly turns to be another person, he is like a mad horse, all the fear and cowardice are abandoned.
  2.Henry’s courage achieved in the war
  As the novel’s title reveals, it is no surprise that the courage is the most important element that runs through the novel. Defining it, desiring it, and achieving it are the narrative’s theme. At the beginning Henry’s mother gives him some suggestions that run counter to his own notion. She doesn’t care about if her son will win a praiseworthy name, she hopes that his son is an honest and brave one even though he is facing death.
  With the development of the novel, the difference grows larger and larger. Because of the maturity Henry receives from the battles and friends, a more subtle and complex understanding of courage arises: courage is not simply established upon the other person’s mind, but it does incorporate egocentric understanding such as what one should do in a special environment and what kind of role one should act.
  Rather than tell a story with a coherent plot and a traditional beginning, middle and end, Crane presents selected decisive moments in the life of his hero without the kind of traditional material that marked most novels written up to that time.
  In this novel Crane considers war is cruel and its influence on the young generation is great. What the world needs most is peace. No wonder that 100 years after publication, The Red Badge of Courage is continually to be regarded as a central text of naturalism. And it is believed beyond doubt that yhe charm of this masterpiece will be lasted with the passage of time.
  [1]Chang Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature[M].Tianjin: Nankai UP, 1990.
【摘要】进入新时期后,我国教育体制改革日趋深入,传统大学英语课堂教学模式逐渐暴露出来诸多的问题,需要积极创新大学英语教学模式,融入多媒体辅助技术。而建构主义理论可以有效指导大学英语多媒体辅助教学模式的实施,需要对此深入研究。  【关键词】建构主义;大学英语;多媒体辅助教学  【作者简介】官晓敏(1982.03-),女,汉族,重庆人,重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:大学英语教学法,教学
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【摘要】《新青年》在促进中国思想进步与发展上起到不可或缺的作用,是旧中国时代一份思想启蒙刊物。翻译不是其主要内容,但在传播新思想的过程中需要与世界接轨,而翻译须参与其中。本文总结了《新青年》(1-9卷)中的翻译,展现出翻译在《新青年》中的重要地位。  【关键词】《新青年》;翻译  【作者简介】任洁(1993.01-),女,河北张家口人,研究生在读,河北大学外国语学院,研究方向:英语语言文学专业,翻
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忙碌了将近三个月的一师一优课终于降下了帷幕,在这次赛课中,我选取了广东人民出版社《英语》三年级起点六年级下册Unit6 reading and writing中的《Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster》作为授课内容,它是一篇阅读课,课中我运用了三次微课,它们发挥了意想不到的效果,为本节赛课增添了不少色彩。  一、运用导入型微课激发学生的学习欲望  俗话说:好的
【摘要】试卷讲评在高中英语教学中有着较为重要的地位,科学化的试卷讲评可以帮助学生查找易错点,找出学习中忽视的知识点;并帮助学生进行归纳总结,优化学生复习方法,全面提高学生复习效果;同时,试卷讲评可以提高学生英语运用能力。因此,笔者以自身的经验为例,分析高中英语试卷讲评课的有效策略。  【关键词】高中英语;试卷讲评课;对策  【作者简介】张道阳,江苏省沭阳如东中学。  前言  英语试卷讲评的主要目的
【摘要】课堂导入是课堂教学活动的重要环节之一。承上能够帮助学生进行有效的复习,启下能够推动新知识学习的有效开展;而且导入是学生学习情感的引导,是课堂互动生成的前奏。在初中英语教学中,有效导入对课堂教学质量意义重大。本文就初中英语教学中的课堂导入策略分析。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;课堂导入;策略分析  【作者简介】张晶,江苏省淮安市老张集乡初级中学。  随着新课改的不断推进,初中英语教学中,
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