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随着创新2.0、工业4.0时代的到来,信息通信技术及互联网技术的飞速发展,互联网与实体经济的融合形成了一种新的互联网经济形态。在这种新形态下,组织面临的内外部环境都发生了巨大的变化,信息技术进步对每个行业的所有组织也都产生了深远影响,具体表现为组织设计精简化、结构分散化、内外部合作化,以及建立起新型的网络组织结构。不论是传统行业还是新兴企业都要对组织设计进行全面升级,只有把握组织结构变化趋势,选择适合的组织类型和组织设计范式,才能保持组织的竞争力。 With the advent of innovation 2.0, the arrival of Industry 4.0, the rapid development of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies, the integration of Internet and real economy has formed a new form of Internet economy. Under this new form, the internal and external environment facing the organization has undergone tremendous changes. The progress of information technology has also had a profound impact on all the organizations in every industry. The concrete manifestation is the simplification of organizational design, structural decentralization, External cooperation, and establish a new network of organizational structure. Both traditional industries and emerging enterprises should conduct an overall upgrade of organizational design. Only by grasping the trend of organizational structure, choosing appropriate organizational types and organizational design paradigms can the organization maintain its competitiveness.
1临床资料 2006-01/2006.12在我院行维持性血液透析的慢性肾功能衰竭患者43(男28,女15)例,年龄35—72(平均53.6)岁.采用一对一的个案教育方法,以口头讲解与文字描述相结合,示教与指导相结