This is an allegory that Schopenhauer once said: Every chilly season in heavy snowfall, the porcupines will be close together to warm up, and the thorns on their bodies will also hurt their bodies, but a split fork would be too cold to stand. The porcupines had to learn to adjust themselves and adapt to each other, eventually finding a suitable distance to get enough warmth without stinging themselves. The relationship between the relatives living under one roof and their relatives is not the same. Intimacy, but it can not “nothing,” has lost the space sense of proportion. Affection will evolve into a violation of personal privacy and freedom. Overemphasizing the independence of space will result in indifferent dialogues for loss of space. Therefore, from the perspective of interior design, affection is actually a good sense of space. As the Chinese people of a little older age nowadays, most of them have experienced an era of housing shortages and simple functions. So they are sleeping on the same sister