近年来随着宫内节育器的广泛应用(Intra-uterine device以下简称IUD),IUD合并位妊娠的问题已引起国内外的关注。关于IUD合并异位妊娠的发生率各文献报道不同,对IUD使用者异位妊娠的绝对数是否增加争论较多,对IUD合并异位妊娠的机制各家亦持不同看法,有多种解释。本文综述70年代以来,国有关文献资料,以供参考。 (一)IUD合并位妊娠的情况在一般人群中,异位妊娠占妊娠总数的0.8%,而在IUD使用者中妊娠带器妊娠的4%-8.9%,使用其它避孕的方法异位妊娠占妊娠总数平均0.5%,Alcem等
In recent years, with the widespread use of intrauterine devices (Intra-uterine device, hereinafter referred to as IUD), IUD merged with the issue of pregnancy has aroused domestic and international attention. On the incidence of IUD complicated by ectopic pregnancy reported in different literature, the number of IUD users increase the absolute number of ectopic pregnancy is more controversial, the mechanism of IUD with ectopic pregnancy also hold different views, there are many explanations. This article summarizes the national literature since the 1970s for reference. (A) the situation of IUD combined with gestational pregnancy In the general population, ectopic pregnancy accounted for 0.8% of the total number of pregnancies, while pregnant women with IUD users pregnancy pregnancy 4% -8.9%, the use of other contraceptive methods ectopic pregnancy accounted Average pregnancy 0.5%, Alcem et al