Regularization of mathematical model for chip flow angle catastrophe

来源 :先进制造进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfl110
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The chip flow angle (CFA) catastrophe in dou-ble-edged cutting results in a significant reduction in the cutting force,which can benefit the applications.However,established potential functions (i.e.,cutting power calcu-lation functions) of mathematical models for the CFA catastrophe are presented in the form of transcendental functions with two control parameters and one state parameter,which are extremely complex.A method is proposed herein to realize the regularization of the poten-tial functions and establish mathematical models in a standard form and with complete content for the CFA catastrophe.Using this method,the potential function of the CFA catastrophe is expanded into a k-order Taylor polynomial at each midpoint of N end-to-end equally partitioned intervals of the state parameter using the Taylor function provided in MATLAB.The potential function after piecewise Taylor expansion is transformed into the same form as the potential function of the standard cusp catastrophe model by truncating the first five terms of the Taylor polynomial and eliminating the third-order term of the state parameter with elementary transformation.Hence,the regularization of potential function is realized.Subse-quently,the regularization of equilibrium surface and bifurcation set can be realized based on the conclusions of the catastrophe theory.Regularization errors of the poten-tial function,equilibrium surface,and bifurcation set are defined to evaluate the effectiveness of this regularization method.The problem of calculating regularization errors is regarded as an optimization problem.The “simulan-nealbnd” function provided in MATLAB is used to solve the problem.Applying the proposed method,the regular-ization of a mathematical model for the CFA catastrophe established by the predecessor is completed;a mathemat-ical model (i.e.,standard cusp catastrophe model) in a standard form and with complete content for the CFA catastrophe is established;and the corresponding regular-ization errors are analyzed.The regularization errors of the potential function,equilibrium surface,and bifurcation set curves are 5.4855 x 10-4%,0.3206%,and 4.6539%,respectively.Based on the equilibrium surface and the bifurcation set curves constructed using the regularized mathematical model for the CFA catastrophe,the mecha-nism of the CFA catastrophe and the specific approach to render the cutting system operable in a low-energy con-sumption state by controlling the historical change path of the control point are analyzed.This study will promote the rational use of the CFA catastrophe.
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0 引言rn随着BIM技术的快速发展,越来越多的建筑施工开始采用数字化工具建立复杂的几何结构形式.当结构形式是复杂的异型结构时,参数化建模作为一种建模手段,配合参数化工具Rhino-Grasshopper,借助Grasshopper的平台与建筑施工中多专业交叉作业更好地结合.Grasshopper平台的多专业多学科的参数插件以及平台内高度适应性使多专业可以在同一个平台上交互进行,而Grasshopper作为Rhino平台内的参数化辅助插件,它可以很好地完成项目中异型双曲面赛道的建筑信息模型的构建,并保证高
0 前言rn1909年由中国人自主设计并建造的第一条铁路——京张铁路通车,201 9年承载民族希望和人民力量的京张高铁顺利开通,百年京张、百年风雨.中国铁路从京张铁路出发,见证着时代的变迁、国家的繁荣、民族的复兴,诠释了中国铁路人坚持“交通强国,铁路先行”的责任与担当.