Divergent responses of tiller and grain yield to fertilization and fallow precipitation: Insights fr

来源 :农业科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisevenk
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Tillering is an important phenological stage, which is strongly related to the yield in spike components and final grain yield during winter wheat growth. Precipitation during the fallow season (fallow precipitation) influences tillering in winter wheat on the semi-arid Chinese Loess Plateau. However, little work has been done regarding tiller number changes under various types of fertilization and amounts of fallow precipitation on a long-term scale. Effects of fallow precipitation and fertilization on tiller were investigated in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system in a 28-year field study (1990 to 2017) in a semiarid agro-ecosystem. Tiller number, spike number and grain yield were measured in four fertilization conditions: control without fertilizer (CK); mineral nitrogen fertilizer alone (N); mineral phosphorus fertilizer alone (P); mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer together (NP). Based on the long-term annual fallow precipitation, dry years (mean annual fallow precipitation) were distinguished. Phosphorus fertilization alone significantly increased the mean annual tiller number (23%), and the increase in tiller number was higher in wet years (29%) than in the dry years (17%). However, nitrogen fertilization alone had little effect on mean tiller number, while nitrogen and phosphorus together significantly increased mean annual tiller number (30%), mean tiller number in wet years (45%) and mean tiller number in dry years (17%). Tiller number was significantly and positively correlated with fallow precipitation in dry years for all fertilizer treatments, whereas it was weakly and either positively or negatively correlated with fallow precipitation in wet years depending on the treatment. This study found positive correlations between tiller number and fallow precipitation in the CK and NP treatments, and it found negative correlations between tiller number and fallow precipitation in the treatments with nitrogen fertilization alone or phosphorous fertilization alone in wet years. Understanding the impacts of fallow precipitation and fertilization on tiller development shed light on ways to improve crop production in rain-fed agricultural regions.
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Crop residues are among the main inputs that allow the organic carbon(C)and nutrients to be maintained in agricultural soil.It is an important management strategy that can improve soil fertility and enhance agricultural productivity.This work aims to eval
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摘 要:在“新工科”建设的背景下,为适应新时期应用型人才培养的需求,调动学生的学习积极主动性,对水利工程概预算课程教学现状进行分析,从教学内容建设、教学资源建设、立体化教学模式构建、教学方法与教学手段的改进和增强实践实训环节等方面进行探讨,使水利工程概预算教学实现从学科导向向产业需求导向的转化,提升学生的动手操作能力、思维能力、创新能力,增强学生从事水利工程造价工作的实践能力,进一步提高教学效率和
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