一座优雅的旧式小洋楼,一户“高知”人家。男主人梁大雍是在学术上颇有建树的研究员,女主人洪敏原是大学老师,现为一家大公司的总经理,女儿梁若彤是管理硕士,女婿田力是计算机硕士,希望自己有朝一日成为中国的比尔·盖茨。然而这个看似美满的家却笼罩在压抑的迷雾之中:梁大雍与妻子貌合神离,出身农家的田力却有在海外开餐馆的“父亲”,玩世不恭的梁若彤,要为过去的恋人生一个孩子,大学生、小保姆白秋华更是为寻人而来…… 广东话剧院实验剧团小剧场话剧《院子里有棵橄榄树》(原名《无话可说》)首次亮相于2000年国际小剧场戏剧展演,呈献的是一台演绎心灵碰撞与情感纠葛的新写实现代人生剧,写出了人类在现代化进程中最深刻、最真实的生命状态和精神况味。从该剧出笼伊始,
An elegant old-style small house, a “Kochi” people. Liang Daoyong, a masculine master, has done a lot of academic work. The hostess Hong Min was originally a university teacher and now a general manager of a large company. Her daughter, Liang Ruotong, is a master of management. Tian Li, a son of a son, is a master of computer science and hopes to become one of China’s Bill Gates. However, this seemingly happy home is shrouded in the fog of confusion: Liang Danyong and his wife look together. Tianli, a farmer who has a restaurant overseas to open the “father”, cynical Liang Ruotong, to have a child for the past lover , College students, babysitter Bai Qiuhua is looking for more ... Cantonese Theater experimental theater small theater drama “There is an olive tree in the yard” (formerly known as “nothing to say”) debut in 2000 International Theater Theater The performance is presented as a new realistic modern drama that deduces the psychological collision and emotional entanglements, and writes out the most profound and true state of life and spiritual taste of mankind in the process of modernization. From the beginning of the play,