This talk discusses the second basic type of groundwater - gravity water (also known as “confined water” and “interlayer water”). It means confined groundwater buried in aquifers where the roof and floor are impermeable to water. When the borehole pierces the impervious roof to expose the aquifer, the pressurized groundwater will rise to a height above the roof by the head. The height depends on the size of the pressure head. Water can flow out of the ground to form a run-of-the-mill flow (self-blasting) when conditions permit. Self-flow holes because water does not have to spend power without being widely used in water supply and irrigation, such as China’s Beijing, Baotou and other places are using self-flow holes to take water. In France, a province is known as the “Ziliuocheng”. Its name is derived from the widespread use of self-flow holes in the province. But we must