高接换种技术是柑桔栽培生产上的常用措施。目前柑桔品种结构不合理 ,加上激烈的市场竞争和消费者对高品质的需求 ,导致柑桔业整体疲软。为解决低劣品种的低产劣质问题 ,采用高接换种 ,优化品种结构 ,是当前柑桔生产上一条快速有效的捷径。九十年代至今 ,我国已大面积推广了该
High exchange of technology is citrus cultivation of common practice. At present, the unreasonable structure of citrus varieties, coupled with fierce market competition and consumer demand for high quality, resulting in overall weakness in the citrus industry. In order to solve the problem of low yield and inferior quality of inferior varieties, adopting high-exchange variety and optimizing variety structure is a quick and effective shortcut in current citrus production. Since the nineties, our country has popularized it on a large scale