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老鹳草别名高山破铜钱、鹭嘴草,系?牛儿苗科植物Geranium Carolinianuml的全草,性微温,味苦微辛,辛主疏散,苦能燥湿,具祛风胜湿,通经活络功能,古方老鹳草制剂(膏、丸、酒)及民间单验方常配伍用于风湿痹症,肌肤麻木,筋络不舒,手足拘挛及皮肤作痒等症.据资料介绍用老鹳草为主配伍治疗风湿性关节炎及类风湿性关节炎,坐骨神经痛,椎间盘脱出症疗效颇佳.单味老鹳草治疗细菌性痢疾,近年有许多单位报道,痊愈率达 Old sedge grass alias Gaoshancai coins, Luzu grass, the Department of geranium Carolinianuml geranium plants, tepid, bitter slightly pungent, sympathetic evacuation, bitter dampness, with wind and wind, wet Active function, ancient geranium herb preparations (paste, pills, wine) and folk prescriptions are often used for rheumatism, skin numbness, irritations, hand, foot, and skin itchiness. According to the data presentation with geranium The main combination of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, disc herniation efficacy is quite good. Single geranium for the treatment of bacterial dysentery, in recent years, many units reported that the recovery rate reached