Preparation and bio-distribution of ~(153)Sm-HEDTMP as a radiopharmaceutical for bone metastases

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rui6372472
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HEDTMP (N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ethlenediamine-1,1,2-tri(methylene phosphonic acid)) was labeled with 153Sm. The formation condition, stability, rabbit bone imaging and mouse bio-distribution of 153Sm -HEDTMP were investigated. The results showed that weak basic media and high ligand’s concentration were favorable to form 153Sm-HEDTMP, and neutral or weak basic media increase the stability of 153Sm-HEDTMP. And the higher the con- centration of HEDTMP was, the more stable the labeling complex was. Bio-distribution study indicated the uptake of 153Sm-HEDTMP in skeleton was high ((25.68±1.22)ID%/g bone at 3 h post injection and (16.56±1.01)ID%/g bone at 48 h post injection), while the non-target tissue uptake and retention were relatively low, so 153Sm-HEDTMP is a promising bone tumor therapeutic agent. The formation condition, stability, rabbit bone imaging and mouse bio-distribution of 153Sm-HEDTMP were investigated with HEDTMP (N- (2-hydroxyethyl) ethlenediamine- 1,1,2-tri (methylene phosphonic acid) The results showed that weak basic media and high ligand concentrations were favorable to form 153Sm-HEDTMP, and neutral or weak basic media increase the stability of 153Sm-HEDTMP. And the higher the con- centration of HEDT was was the more stable the labeling complex Bio-distribution study indicated the uptake of 153Sm-HEDTMP in skeleton was high ((25.68 ± 1.22) ID% / g bone at 3 h post injection and (16.56 ± 1.01) ID% / g bone at 48 h post injection) , while the non-target tissue uptake and retention were relatively low, so 153Sm-HEDTMP is a promising bone tumor therapeutic agent.
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