Processing Technology and Mechanical Properties of Die-Cast Magnesium Alloy AZ91D

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The mechanical properties of magnesium die-casting components can be improved with im- proved die-casting processing technology. An orthogonal experiment with four factors and three levels (Lq, 34) was used to evaluate the effect of various die-casting processing parameters on the quality and me- chanical properties of an AZ91D magnesium alloy cylinder head cover component. The results show that the injection speed and casting and die temperatures all influence the component quality, with the influence of the casting pressure being the smallest. The injection speed and casting pressure are the two most im- portant factors influencing the tensile strength. The best die-casting parameters for the magnesium alloy cyl- inder head cover component were determined to be a casting temperature of 660℃, a die temperature of 200℃, an injection speed of 70 mgs?1, and a casting pressure of 65 MPa. The porosity is one of the most important parameters influencing the casting strength. The mechanical properties of magnesium die-casting components can be improved with im- die-casting processing technology. An orthogonal experiment with four factors and three levels (Lq, 34) was used to evaluate the effect of various die-casting processing parameters on the quality and me- chanical properties of an AZ91D magnesium alloy cylinder head cover component. The results show that the injection speed and casting and die temperatures all influence the component quality, with the influence of the casting pressure being the smallest. The injection speed and casting pressure are the two most im- portant factors influencing the tensile strength. The best die-casting parameters for the magnesium alloy cyl- inder head cover component were determined to be a casting temperature of 660 ° C, a die temperature of 200 ° C, an Injection speed of 70 mgs? 1, and a casting pressure of 65 MPa. The porosity is one of the most important parameters influenci ng the casting strength.
尿道下裂是一种常见的先天性尿道畸形 ,其手术方法很多。 1 992年 3月以来 ,我们采用横行岛状皮瓣一期正位尿道口尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂 38例 ,效果良好。现报告如下。1 临
对 61例病毒性心肌炎 ( VMC)患儿检测了 SOD、GSH— PX、MDA。发现 VMC患儿发病 1周内 SOD、GSH—PX下降 ,MDA升高 ;经大剂量维生素 C治疗后 ,SOD、GSH— PX、MDA于 4~ 6周恢
项目名称:印花针织物低张力平幅连续水洗关键技术及装备研发  主要完成单位:福建福田纺织印染科技有限公司、西安工程大学、绍兴东升数码科技有限公司  位于“中国内衣名镇”福建晋江市深沪镇的福建福田纺织印染科技有限公司联合西安工程大学、绍兴东升数码科技有限公司经过多年的技术攻关,自主创新研发了印花针织物低张力平幅连续生产关键技术,实现了印花针织物低张力水洗加工,提高了棉及锦氨高弹针织面料的水洗品质,与传
[摘要]本文对AP1000机组的常规岛进行了介绍,探讨了其与传统火力发电厂汽轮机组的区别。然后,针对常规岛中低压给水加热器,具体介绍了其工作原理、结构等技术特点。在此基础上,从安全运行和经济性的角度,对AP1000与EPR机组的低压给水加热器的疏水方式从安全运行和经济性上进行了对比。最后分析了从AP1000和EPR的机组效率和经济性上对比,提出了低压给水加热器疏水方式的应用建议。  [关键词]AP
[摘要]文章从企业制度、文化建设和市场开拓等视角对民间足球培训机构发展阶段的效标和主导环境因素进行了理论构建,并借助数据统计进一步分析了当前我国民间足球培训机构发展中所存在的问题,以探索其未来发展路径,旨在为我国民间足球产业化发展提供一定的理论依据和实践参考。  [关键词]民间足球培训机构;发展路径;民间足球产业化  [DOI]1013939/jcnkizgsc201901131  2015年国务
肠闭锁是新生儿比较常见的消化道畸形。 1992~1999年 ,我院收治新生儿肠闭锁 2 0例。现报告如下。一般资料 :本组男 15例 ,女 5例 ;5例为早产儿(体重 2 2 0 0 g~ 350 0 g) ;就
为了降低静态随机存储器(SRAM)的功耗,提出了一种完全采用绝热电路实现的W A SRAM(W ho le A d iabaticSRAM),W A SRAM的译码部分、存储单元、读出放大等全部采用绝热电路结
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