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国际知名调查机构AC尼尔森公司,受我有关部门委托对北京地区能够收到的41个电视频道、数百个电视栏目进行收视率调查,北京电视台《法治进行时》栏目始终名列前茅,最近的一次收视率排名竟上升到第6位。创办这个栏目的就是连续4次荣获北京市优秀新闻工作者称号的女记者兼主持人徐滔。记者拨通了徐滔的电话。一个星期几次相约,终于在北京电视台和她坐到了面对面。“的哥”问:又视死如归?徐滔看上去矜持、文静,可一说话就透出一股勇劲儿。她的采访作风,在记者采访之前就有耳闻。交谈中她给我讲了一段追击逃犯的故事。那是去年秋天的一个夜晚,一个被通缉的犯罪嫌疑人开着大卡车去洗桑拿。公安部门闻讯紧急设卡堵截,徐滔随警采访。夜深了,公路上车辆渐渐稀少,徐滔和司机、摄像坐在车里静静等候。狡猾的犯罪嫌疑人见设卡检查,加大油门,直奔路口冲了过去。警察鸣枪示警,就在枪响的那一刻,徐滔招呼摄像开拍。两个侦察员跳进徐滔的采访车,大喊一声:“追!”徐滔 AC Nielsen, an internationally renowned investigation agency, was commissioned by relevant departments to conduct ratings surveys on 41 television channels and hundreds of television programs that Beijing can receive. Beijing Television Station always ranks among the best when conducted by the “rule of law.” The most recent rating Ranking rate actually rose to 6th. The founder of this column is Xu Tao, a woman reporter and host who won the title of outstanding journalist in Beijing for four consecutive times. Reporter dial Xu Tao’s phone. Several times a week similar, and finally sat in Beijing TV station and face to face. “Brother ” Q: And just doomed to death? Xu Tao looks reserved, quiet, can speak a brave child. Her interview style has been heard before a reporter interviewed. During the conversation she told me a story about chasing fugitives. It was one night last fall, a wanted suspect driving a big truck to the sauna. Public security department heard an emergency card interception, Xu Tao interview with the police. Late at night, cars on the road gradually scarce, Xu Tao and drivers, camera sitting quietly waiting in the car. Sly suspects see the card check, increase the throttle, straight to the intersection rushed past. Police fired shots warning, at the moment the gunshots, Xu Tao greeted the filming. Two scouts jump into Xu Tao’s interview car, shouted: “chase! ” Xu Tao