儿童青少年睡眠不足与攻击、注意缺陷多动障碍以及社交能力差、学习困难和肥胖等有关。为了解美国不同年龄、不同种族男女童睡眠常模,加州大学洛杉矶分校健康政策与管理系的Jessica A.Williams教授对1997年、2002年和2007年美国收支动态长期追踪研究(Panel Study of Income Dynamics,PSID)中儿童发展附加课题(Children Development Supplement)的数据进行了二次分析。了解3次调查中0~18岁儿童白天睡眠时间和总睡眠时间,样本量分别为2 832名、2 520名和1 424名。
Insufficient sleep in children and adolescents is associated with attacks, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and poor social skills, learning difficulties and obesity. In order to understand the patterns of sleep among boys and girls of different races of different ages in the United States, Professor Jessica A. Williams of the Department of Health Policy and Management of UCLA analyzed the Panel Study of Income in 1997, 2002 and 2007 Dynamics, PSID) in the Children Development Supplement (Children Development Supplement) data were analyzed twice. To understand the daytime sleep time and the total sleep time of children aged 0-18 in the 3 surveys, the sample size was 2 832, 2 520 and 1 424 respectively.