1992年,上海石化总厂改制为上海石化总公司之下的石化股份有限公司和金山实业公司,将生产主体和服务附体两大系统分开,走上了资源优化配置的现代企业改革之路。 现在的上海石化股份有限公司有职工近4万人,1994年,公司实现的利税、利润总额和原油加工利润率均居中国石化行业第一,公司的总股本、销售额、利润率也均居国内上市公司之首,成为我国第一家同时在纽约、香港挂牌上市的国际性上市公司。
In 1992, Shanghai Petrochemical Plant was restructured into Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Jinshan Industrial Co., Ltd. under Shanghai Petrochemical Corporation. The two major systems of production entity and service appendage were separated and embarked on the road to modern enterprise reform with optimized resource allocation. Currently, Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has nearly 40,000 employees. In 1994, the company’s profits and taxes, total profits, and crude oil processing profit margins ranked first in the Chinese petrochemical industry. The company’s total share capital, sales, and profit margins also rank among the top. The first listed company in China became the first international listed company in China to be listed in New York and Hong Kong at the same time.