1.用国产件替代进口件 用质量过硬的国产件替代进口件.可以省时省钱不误工。我公司用国产A8V107总泵替代德国产R942挖掘机液压总泵,效果不错;行走减速器坏了后也通过改装用国产件替代了进口件。 2.用新部件改造老设备 我公司的红旗S130-80-4铁路架桥
1. Replace imported parts with domestic ones Replace imported ones with domestic ones that are of excellent quality. Can save time and money without error. Our company replaced the German-made R942 excavator hydraulic master cylinder with a domestic A8V107 master cylinder, and the effect was good. After the running gearbox was damaged, the imported parts were also replaced by the domestic ones. 2. Old equipment with new components to transform the company’s red flag S130-80-4 railway bridge