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酰胺类除草剂在市场中所占的份额非常大,其市场销量仅次于氨基酸类(草甘膦、草铵膦等)和磺酰脲类。酰胺类除草剂在国内或全球市场中最火热的产品当属乙草胺、异丙甲草胺和丁草胺。乙草胺1989年在我国使用以来,经过20多年的推广,已成为国内除草剂市场的支柱型产品,是当前使用面积最大的旱地土壤处理选择性苗前除草剂。全国农技推广中心在播后苗前土壤封闭除草剂中,推广使用90%、99%乙草胺乳油,72%、96%精异丙甲草胺乳油等。乙草胺成本低,使用方便,持效期适中,无下茬 Amide herbicides share in the market is very large, its market sales after the amino acids (glyphosate, glufosinate, etc.) and sulfonylureas. Amide herbicides The hottest products in the domestic or global market are acetochlor, metolachlor and butachlor. Since acetochlor was used in China in 1989, acetochlor has become the pillar product of the domestic herbicide market after more than 20 years of promotion. It is the most widely used dryland soil in the current treatment of pre-emergence herbicide. National Agricultural Technology Extension Center in the sowing before the seedling soil closed herbicides, the promotion of the use of 90%, 99% acetochlor EC, 72%, 96% s-metolachlor EC. Acetochlor low cost, easy to use, moderate holding time, no stubble
读者“卡布奇诺”问:“老师在讲授热学时,曾提及第二类永动机,但我对它不太明白,能否解释一下,”笔者试着简单地回答这个问题,  在物理学发展史中,曾有人提出过两类永动机,即第一类永动机和第二类永动机,第一类永动机指的是这样一类的机器:该机器无需消耗能量就能对外界做功,这显然是违背了能量的守恒和转化定律的,所以,所有追求制造第一类永动机的人均以失败告终,如果说提出第一类永动机是异想天开,那么提出第二类