【象征物】蝎子神秘、致命的生物, 可以以毒攻敌 【守护星】冥王星 【蝎子特质】理想主义、奉献与热情 【关键字】我渴望(IDESIRE)…… 【出生石】黄宝石(释放神秘的力 量),带来心灵的平和,并保护免于 敌人与疾病的侵袭 【花朵】菊花与石南花 【颜色】深红色、葡萄酒色、茶色(属 于激情的颜色) 【幸运数字】2与4 【幸运日】星期二 【2001建议】今年开支虽不小,不 过只要坚守岗位还是有加薪的可能, 工作方面也最好避免动。不论男性 女性今年投资最好以保守稳健为主, 但在利率往下走的情况下,不如做 些比存款积极的投资,如买定期定 额海外基金或投资自己出国进修。
【Symbol】 scorpion mysterious, deadly creatures, you can poison the enemy 【Ruler】 Pluto 【Scorpion traits】 idealism, dedication and passion 【Keywords】 I desire (IDESIRE) ...... 【Birthstone】 yellow gem Mysterious power), bring peace of mind and protect against the invasion of the enemy and disease [flowers] chrysanthemum and heather [color] dark red, wine color, brown (belonging to the passion of color) [lucky numbers] 2 and 4 [ Fortune Day] Tuesday [2001 Proposal] Although this year’s expenditure is not small, but as long as there is a job or there is a possibility of a raise, work is also best avoided. Whether male or female, the best investment this year, conservative and steady-based, but the interest rates go down, than to do more than deposit positive investment, such as buying fixed-term fixed-value overseas funds or invest in their own study abroad.