一、概述鸟瞟呤脱氨酶(EC3、5、4、3,Guanine Deaminase,CD),又称鸟嘌呤酶或胍酶(Guanase),其系统名为鸟嘌呤氨基水解酶(Guanine aminohydrola-se),属水解酶类,催化鸟嘌呤水解脱氨并生成黄嘌呤,在嘌呤类分解代谢过程中起着十分重要的作用。人体内GD主要位于肝、肾、脑和小肠,心、肺、脾、胰、骨骼肌、红细胞和白细胞含此酶活性极低甚或缺如。GD的细胞内定位:细胞核含酶量约占细胞内GD总活性的3%,线粒体约6%,微粒体约11%,
I. Overview Guanidin deaminase (EC3,5,4,3, Guanine Deaminase, CD), also known as guanidase or guanidase (Guanase), the system known as Guanine aminohydrola-se ), Is a hydrolytic enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis and deamination of guanine to produce xanthine, which plays a very important role in the purine catabolism. GD is mainly located in the liver, kidney, brain and small intestine, heart, lung, spleen, pancreas, skeletal muscle, red blood cells and white blood cells containing this enzyme activity is very low or even missing. GD intracellular localization: the nucleus enzyme content accounts for about 3% of the total intracellular GD activity, about 6% of mitochondria, about 11% of microsomes,