目的研究蚊龄对安徽淮南中华按蚊溴氰菊酯抗性和P450单加氧酶活性的影响以及其抗性产生的分子机制。方法在安徽省淮南市现场采集中华按蚊幼虫,饲养羽化,分别在雌蚊羽化后1、3、6、9、12、15 d和20 d时,测定其抗药性和P450单加氧酶活性,并以实验室敏感蚊作为对照组,比较二者抗药性和P450单加氧酶活性。结果随蚊龄增长,安徽中华按蚊溴氰菊酯抗性和P450单加氧酶活性曲线均呈不对称倒U形变化。1 d龄时,抗性和P450单加氧酶活性较低;其后迅速增加,至3~9 d时达到顶峰,进入平台期;随后,抗性和P450单加氧酶活性均逐渐降低。3~12 d龄蚊虫P450单加氧酶活性高于敏感蚊,15 d与20 d龄蚊虫与敏感蚊类似,1 d龄蚊虫则低于敏感蚊。结论蚊龄是蚊虫抗性和酶活性检测的混杂因素。P450单加氧酶活性增强可能是当地中华按蚊溴氰菊酯抗性产生的原因之一。采用蚊龄不一致的现场蚊作为测试对象可能会低估其抗性水平,误导杀虫剂的使用。
Objective To study the influence of mosquito age on the activity of deltamethrin and P450 monooxygenase in Anopheles sinensis and its molecular mechanism in Huainan, Anhui Province. Methods Anopheles sinensis larvae were collected on the site of Huainan City, Anhui Province and reared for emergence. The resistance and P450 monooxygenase activity of the mosquitoes were determined at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 20 days after eclosion , And laboratory sensitive mosquitoes as a control group, comparing the two resistance and P450 monooxygenase activity. Results With the increase of mosquito population, the curve of mosquitoes in Anhui Anopheline deltamethrin and P450 monooxygenase activity showed asymmetric inverted U-shaped changes. At 1 d, the activities of P450 and monooxygenase were lower, then increased rapidly and peaked at 3-9 d, reaching the plateau; subsequently, both the resistance and P450 monooxygenase activity decreased gradually. The activity of P450 monooxygenase of 3 ~ 12 d old mosquitoes was higher than that of the susceptible mosquitoes, while the 15 d and 20 d mosquitoes were similar to those of the susceptible mosquitoes. Conclusion Mosquito resistance is a confounding factor in detecting mosquito resistance and enzyme activity. Increased P450 monooxygenase activity may be one of the causes of the local mosquito deltamethrin resistance. The use of mosquitoes with inconsistent mosquitoes as test subjects may underestimate the level of resistance and mislead the use of pesticides.