MG5穿梭津门故里 苗豆豆×MG5

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海河之畔,京城以南,坐落着一个六百余年的老城,它历经岁月的变迁,既带有西方殖民时代的烙印、又饱含传统的中华民俗。它就是我国北方的第一大港口城市——天津,也是我们MG5城市旅行的第二站。她是知名车模,在车展的聚光灯下散发着熠熠光彩,而走下展台的她还是一个活泼开朗的大三学生。她就是我们本期“MG5天津之行”的主角——苗豆豆。 The Haihe River, south of the capital, is located in a 600-year-old city, which after years of changes, both with the imprinting of the Western colonial era, but also full of traditional Chinese folk. It is the largest port city in northern China - Tianjin, is also the second leg of our MG5 city trip. She is a well-known car model, exudes a glittering light under the spotlight of the auto show, and she is still a cheerful junior under the stage. She is our current issue “MG5 Tianjin trip ” protagonist - Miao Peas.
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