实现财务状况好转 需上下努力

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本刊记者就全国水利财务财会工作会议提出:“九五”末争取“实现水利财务状况根本好转”的问题,采访了财务出身的原河南省水利厅副厅长王习俭同志。 他说,争取“九五”末“实现财务状况根本好转”,这个口号提得好!今年是举国上下实施“九五”计划的第一年,既是国家经济重要发展时期,也是水利事业大发展时期,各方建设资金需求量大,供需矛盾将更加突出,因此这时提出这 The reporter on the National Water Conservancy Finance Conference put forward: “At the end of the Ninth Five-Year” strive for “fundamental improvement in the financial situation of water conservancy,” interviewed the financial background of the former deputy director of Henan Provincial Department of Water Resources, Wang Xi Jian comrades. He said: For the end of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, “achieving a fundamental improvement in financial conditions” is a good slogan! This year is the first year that the entire country implements the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It is both an important period of national economic development and a great period of development for water conservancy. As the demand for funds for construction by all parties is large and the contradiction between supply and demand will become more prominent,
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