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依据新石器早期至秦朝,珠江水系岭南地区内各子地理单元文化遗存和生态环境的变迁,追寻岭南古越族的形成过程:距今约7000年时,南岭南麓人南迁到珠三角网河平原南部形成咸头岭人;他们在夏商之际北迁到网河平原北部,形成新的人们共同体;再北迁形成网河平原北部人;他们的后裔大约在商末周初又北移至冲积平原,经过人群的同化与融合形成了岭南古越族。经历了秦始皇统一岭南和汉武帝平定南越的历史变迁,岭南古越族已不复存在,但部分仍偏居西南一隅。 According to the Neolithic early Qin Dynasty, the Pearl River water Lingnan region within the cultural relics of various sub-geographic units and ecological changes in the pursuit of ancient Yue Lingnan formation process: about 7,000 years ago, Nanling Nanlin South moved to the Pearl River Delta Network They formed the headwaters of the people in the southern part of the river plain; they migrated to the north of the Wanghe Plain on the occasion of the Xia and Shang Dynasties to form a new people community; they moved northward to form the northern part of the Net River Plain; and their descendants were around north and south of the Shang dynasty Moved to the alluvial plain, after the assimilation and integration of the population formed the ancient Yue Lingnan family. Experienced by the Qin Shi Huang unified south of the Five Ridges and the Han Emperor Wu Ping history changes, the ancient Yue Lingnan no longer exists, but some still occupy a corner of the southwest.