一个人在某一领域有所建树和创新已是颇为不易,胡伯翔却能在书画界、摄影界、工商界皆享盛名,是一位有三重突出贡献的先辈名家。 得吴昌硕指点闻名画坛 胡伯翔1896年生于南京,其父胡郯卿是一位国画大师,当年和吴昌硕、王一亭、程瑶笙并称为“海上四大名家”。在父亲的薰陶与鼓励下,胡伯翔自幼喜爱绘画,加上好学上进,少时已有不少创作,鸟兽树石,无不格调高雅而富有新意。他画遍了南京附近的名胜古迹,在家乡一带颇有名气。但
It is quite difficult for a person to make achievements and innovate in a particular field. However, Hu Bossiang enjoys a good reputation in the fields of painting and calligraphy, photography and business. He is an ancestor who has made outstanding contributions in three important ways. Obtained Wuchang Shuo famous painting altar Hu Beixiang Born in Nanjing in 1896, his father Hu Qing is a master of Chinese painting, then and Wuchang Shuo, Wang Yiting, Cheng Yao-sheng and “sea of the four famous.” In his father’s edification and encouragement, Hu Boxiang loved painting since childhood, plus studious, less time has a lot of creation, birds and trees, all elegant and innovative. He painted places around historic sites in Nanjing, quite famous in his hometown. but