最近 2 0年里 ,甘肃学术界结合甘肃和西部民族地区的实际 ,对民族经济问题作了卓有成效的研究探讨 ,在民族地区经济发展战略、民族地区发展市场经济的基本思路、草原牧业经济、民族地区工业经济和乡镇企业发展、民族贸易经济、旅游经济 ,以及藏族寺院经济、民族地区扶贫开发等方面 ,取得了许多有较高学术价值和应用价值的研究成果
In the recent 20 years, Gansu academia combined with the reality of Gansu and Western ethnic regions to make fruitful research on the national economy. In the strategy of economic development in ethnic areas, the basic idea of developing market economy in ethnic areas, the economy of grassland husbandry, In the areas of industrial economy and development of township enterprises in ethnic areas, the national trade economy, the tourism economy, the economic development in Tibetan monasteries and the poverty alleviation and development in minority areas, many achievements have been made in the field of research with high academic value and application value