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随着人类社会制度的不断文明与进化,律法上明文规定禁绝刑讯体罚,酷刑早已离我们远去。尽管如此,我们怎么也无法忘却中国古代社会以法律的名义堂而皇之的施之于“罪人”的种种酷刑:大辟、孥戮、劓殄、活埋、沉水、火焚、炮烙、剖心、腰斩、弃市、枭首、凌迟、族诛……等等等等。此类“国粹”的残酷暴虐程度,后人简直难以想象。这些由人类发明以对付同类的刑罚,在几千年漫长岁月里留下的烙印实 With the continuous civilization and evolution of the human social system, the law explicitly prohibits corporal punishment of torture and torture has long since passed away from us. Nevertheless, we can not forget the torture imposed on the “sinners” by the ancient Chinese society in the name of law. They are: torture, slaughtering, living, burying, sinking, burning, blazing, Waist cut, abandoned the city, owl head, Ling Ling, ethnic punish ...... And so on and so forth. Such “national essence ” brutal tyranny, descendants simply unimaginable. These invented by human beings to deal with similar penalties, in the long years of thousands of years left a mark
引入他国已经成型的管理理论显得更加便捷、易得,但中国是具有悠久历史的大国,有本国深厚的、不易撼动的文化根基和国民思想特征,想要从根本上找到适合本国人的管理策略,仅仅靠引进显然达不到想要的效果,即便一时有效,随着时间的推移也必然出现水土不服的排异现象,其后果之严重不容忽视。  现实证明,在中国想要做好管理,还是要向中国传统文化之中去“寻根”,段俊平先生的新作《中国管理往事》中辑录了古人与管理有关的种