芬兰SAANA JA OLLI的包袋、桌布以及抱枕上的图案,都充满了北欧自然和人文风情,让人感觉到人与自然的亲近。不但设计的灵感来自芬兰的自然生活和人文传统,这些作品从设计,印花,到缝制,产品也全部在芬兰制作完成。一些随机的灵感会点燃创意的火花——SAANA JA OLLI芬兰的森林覆盖率非常高,朋友说那里的树比人还多。SAANA JA OLLI的工作室就
Finland SAANA JA OLLI bags, tablecloths and pillow designs are full of Nordic natural and cultural customs, people feel close to nature and man. Inspired by the natural and human traditions of Finland, these designs range from design and printing to sewing and the products are all made in Finland. Some random inspiration ignites the spark of creativity --SAANA JA OLLI Finland has very high forest cover, with friends saying there are more trees in there. SAANA JA OLLI’s studio just