《教育信息化2.0行动计划》中指出,以人工智能、大数据、物联网等新兴技术为基础,依托各类智能设备及网络,积极开展智慧教育创新研究和示范,推动新技术支持下教育的模式变革和生态重构.身处在信息时代,从未来教育发展的大趋势看,教育与信息技术相依生存的可能性更大.研究者与实践者将继续探索以学习者为中心、灵活的、智能的开放教育教学新环境,助推新技术深度融入教与学全过程,进而构建新教学模式、新教学管理流程.那么,在此过程中新技术将会给开放教育带来怎样的挑战?信息技术与教育深度融合的过程中我们将会面临哪些问题与困惑,将如何解决这些问题与困难?针对这些问题,由本刊主编褚宏启教授邀请周建设、杜俊军、王宏、李太豪和李林五位专家,他们分别来自普通高等学校、开放大学系统和企业,在信息技术与教育整合方面都有较深入的研究和丰富的实践经验,在此展开对话研讨.“,”Education Informatization Action Plan 2.0 indicates actively carrying out research and demonstration of smart education in-novation based on emerging technologies such as artifi cial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of things with the support of various smart devices and networks to promote education model change and ecological reconstruction. Situating in information age and looking into future trend of education development, education and information technology are highly correlated. Researchers and practitioners will continue to explore a learner-centered, fl exible and intelligent open education environment, and to promote deep integration of new technologies with the whole teaching and learning process in building new teaching models and management processes. Therefore, what challenges will new technologies bring to open education during this process? What problems and confusion will we face in the deep in-tegration of information technology and open education? More highly concerned, how will these problems be solved? Here in this issue, we have invited fi ve experts to have a dialogue on these issues, including Zhou Jianshe, Du Junjun, Wang Hong, Li Taihao, and Li Lin, who are from ordinary or open universities and enterprises and have in-depth research and rich practical experiences in information tech-nology-education integration.