《国际商报》1999年1月6日发表文章:珠海今天取得的巨大的建设成就,与引进外资密切相关。有关专家指出,外资对珠海经济的各个方面均产生了很大影响,外资投入不仅给珠海带来了资本的增长,同时,促进技术进步和劳动率增长,外资对珠海GDP增长的贡献大于35%。 近年来,珠海在中国各地纷纷招商引资的热潮中,冷静下来思考、分析:今天的中国已经不是刚打开国门时的中国了,引进利用外资不应再是普及性的行
International Business Daily, January 6, 1999 An article published: Zhuhai’s enormous achievements in construction today are closely linked with the introduction of foreign capital. Experts pointed out that foreign investment has a great impact on all aspects of Zhuhai’s economy. The investment in foreign capital not only brought capital growth to Zhuhai, but also promoted technological progress and the growth of labor force. The contribution of foreign investment to the GDP growth of Zhuhai was more than 35% . In recent years, Zhuhai has been calmly thinking and analyzing the ups and downs of attracting foreign investments all over China. Today, China is no longer a China when it opened its door to China. The introduction of foreign investment should no longer be universal