目的了解浙江省60岁以上人群脑卒中报告发病、死亡和疾病负担情况。方法使用浙江省2009年医疗机构及基层报告、死亡补发和漏报调查得到的脑卒中病例资料,计算60岁以上不同性别和年龄组人群脑卒中发病率和死亡率,使用WHO的DALY模板计算伤残调整寿命年(Disability-adjusted life year,DALYs),并结合人力资源法计算间接经济负担。结果 2009年浙江省60岁以上人群脑卒中粗发病率为1480.82/10万(标化率1354.74/10万),粗死亡率为289.40/10万(标化率为248.16/10万)。因脑卒中损失215 621个DALYs,负担强度为33.9 DALYs/千人,给社会造成间接经济负担55 621.6万元。结论脑卒中给浙江省造成了沉重的疾病负担,采取措施预防脑卒中的发生,及时正确治疗脑卒中患者,将有效减轻社会和家庭的负担。
Objective To understand the incidence, mortality and burden of stroke in stroke patients over 60 years old in Zhejiang province. Methods The data of stroke cases in Zhejiang Province in 2009 from medical institutions and grassroots reports, death replacement and underreporting were used to calculate the incidence of stroke and mortality in people over 60 years of age with different gender and age groups. The WHO DALY templates were used to calculate Disability-adjusted life year (DALYs), combined with the human resource law to calculate the indirect financial burden. Results In 2009, the prevalence rate of stroke in Zhejiang Province was 1480.82 / 100000 (the standardization rate was 1354.74 / 100000) and the crude death rate was 289.40 / 100000 (the standardization rate was 248.16 / 100000). 215 621 DALYs were lost due to stroke, the burden intensity was 33.9 DALYs / person, causing an indirect economic burden of 556.226 million yuan to the society. Conclusions Stroke has caused a heavy burden of disease in Zhejiang Province. Taking measures to prevent the occurrence of stroke and timely and proper treatment of stroke patients will effectively reduce the burden on society and families.