好军嫂韩素云十几年如一日爱国拥军的事迹在新年伊始通过新闻媒体传遍全国。从天涯海角到东北边陲,从东海之滨到天山脚下,在亿万人中产生了军嫂效应,形成了赞军嫂学军嫂的一股热潮。这无疑将使我们的精神文明建设再向前推进一步。 中华民族有着勤劳朴实敬老爱幼的传统美德。这种美德形成了中华民族吃苦耐劳为社会做出自己贡献的优良传统作风。这种美德铸就了中华民族的历史文明,也造
Good Military and Socialist Han Suyun over a dozen years as a day of patriotic support of the military at the beginning of the new year through the news media throughout the country. From the ends of the earth to the northeast border, from the coast of the East China Sea to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, military effects have emerged in hundreds of millions of people, forming an upsurge of praise for military academy. This will undoubtedly make our construction of spiritual civilization one step further. The Chinese nation has the traditional virtues of industrious, simple, honest, and loving young. This virtue has shaped the excellent traditional style in which the Chinese nation works hard to make its own contribution to society. This virtue has molded the history of the Chinese nation, but also made