1 当前我国水价存在的一些问题 我国目前正在运行的大、中型水利工程几乎都是由政府(主要是中央政府和省级政府)直接投资兴建的,且由政府组建的工程管理机构(绝大多数是国有事业单位)运行管理。而水价的行政审批制,也就决定了制定水价的主导思想仍然是带有一些传统的计划经济色彩。以此方法制定的水价在实践中已显露出与社会主义市场经济体制要求不相适应的一些缺陷。
1 Some Problems Existing in China’s Water Price Almost all the large and medium-sized water projects currently under operation in our country are directly invested by the government (mainly the central government and the provincial government) and the government-run project management agencies (the overwhelming majority Is a state-owned institutions) operation and management. The price of the administrative examination and approval system, it also decided to formulate the main idea of water pricing is still with some traditional planned economy. The price of water formulated in this way has revealed in practice some flaws that are incompatible with the requirements of the socialist market economic system.