绘画的具象性及其主题意涵的生成与流向,是在持续地回避、抵御和破解符号化的观看的诱惑的过程中获得真实意义的,这同时应该也是一个艰难的自省的过程,需要创作者的诗性的智慧和哲学的洞透。阿瑟·丹托(Arthur Danto)《艺术的终结》和《哲学化的艺术》所谈论的传统艺术的终结,是在黑格尔哲学意义上的。一个机器影像汹涌如潮的时代里,以制像而求艺术的难题在于,我们如何能够把诸如安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warho1)《布利洛肥皂盒》(Brillo Box)这样的作品与超级市场上成千上万的作为商品的肥皂盒区别开来。事实上,在艺术是什么的问题成为一种创作主题的情况下[1],艺术
The figurativeness of paintings and the formation and flow of their theme meanings are obtained in the process of continuously avoiding, defending and seducing the temptation of symbolic viewing. At the same time, it is also a difficult process of self-examination and requires creation The poetic wisdom and philosophical insight. Arthur Danto’s conclusion of the “end of art” and “the art of philosophizing” concluded the end of traditional art in the Hegelian philosophical sense. The challenge with figuring out the art of imagery in an era of turbulence in machine images is how we can integrate works such as Andy Warhol’s Brillo Box, Thousands of soap boxes on the market as commodities are differentiated. In fact, in the case of the question of what art is becoming a creative theme [1], art