Different influences of nucleating agents on crystallization behavior of polyethylene and polypropyl

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:same66
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The crystallization behavior of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), including the neat ones and the ones nucleated with the same nucleating agent (NA), was studied by DSC. It was found that the nucleating agent decelerated the PE nonisothermal crystallization process. NA did enhance the nucleating rates for both PE and PP, but the linear growth rate dominated the volumetric growth rate for PE, and the volumetric growth rate dominated the overall crystallization rate. That is why PE nucleated with NA had a slower overall crystallization rate than the neat one. The crystallization behavior of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), including the neat ones and the ones nucleated with the same nucleating agent (NA), was studied by DSC. It was found that the nucleating agent decelerated the PE nonisothermal crystallization process. NA did enhance the nucleating rates for both PE and PP, but the linear growth rate dominated the volumetric growth rate for PE, and the volumetric growth rate dominated the overall crystallization rate. That is why PE nucleated with NA had a slower overall crystallization rate than the neat one
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